My name is Bree Roon and this will be my 17th year as a teacher. I received my teaching degree from the University of Northern Colorado, with an English major, a Spanish minor, and an endorsement in Linguistically Diverse Education. I have a Masters Degree in Reading and Literacy Education. Over the years, I have been a first and second grade classroom teacher, and ESL teacher, a K-6th grade reading interventionist, and an instructional coach for other teachers. I have had the opportunity to teach in several schools and districts and I can say that Gold Rush is THE BEST! I taught ESL here at GRE for five years when the school first open, and returned to the classroom here two years ago. I am so blessed to be back to the school community that I think of as home. In fact, it is home! I live just down the street.
As we have been planning for remote learning for the rest of the year, we have worked as a team and as a building to prioritize key concepts and skills to cover in these final weeks. We wanted to share these main learning targets with you to help you prioritize what your child should focus on at home. That said, we continue to believe that the social emotional needs of your child and your family are the very most important right now! Please use the following information as a reference, but continue to give yourself the flexibility to adjust the learning opportunities to meet the needs of your child and your family situation. LITERACY PRIORITIES: Read, Read, Read! By far, the most research supported thing you can be doing is encouraging your child to read texts at their "just right" level everyday. Listen in and coach your reader. Use these prompting strategies to help. Respond to text verbally and in writing...